Each image is paired with an inspiring quote, creating a visual and emotional journey through nature.

Welcome! I'm Eduardo Gil.
I am a landscape photographer originally from Mexico City. I had the privilege of living in Cancun, Mexico, for a long time, where I fell in love with the beautiful colours of the ocean.
I have always been drawn to the beauty of nature, and my love for photography grew out of a desire to capture and share that beauty with others.
Now, I live in Calgary, Canada, next to the magnificent Canadian Rockies. I live here with my wife, 3 children and dog! I am fortunate to be able to spend my time in these two beautiful paradise.
One of my passions is astrophotography. There is something truly magical about capturing the stars and the night sky, and I love the challenge of it.
Whether I am shooting a majestic mountain range, oceans, a tranquil lake, or a stunning sunset, I always strive to capture the essence of the natural world and share it.
My hope is that my photography inspire others to appreciate the beauty of our planet and to protect it for future generations.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website and explore my work. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to connecting with you!

Whether you are interested in purchasing prints, have any questions, or just want to say hello, I am always happy to hear from nature lovers and photography enthusiasts. Thanks for visiting my website, let's connect!